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Let me begin by saying that yes, it is possible to bring both books and shoes when traveling. However, I’ve found that it is best not to pack them in equal numbers.
I learned this important lesson when my husband and I went to Capri, Italy—the perfect place to relax on the beach or by the pool with a book. Upon unpacking, he discovered I’d brought six romance novels and six pairs of shoes for a ten day trip, which begged the question: did I need to bring an entire library?
The answer was an emphatic yes! I spent more time deciding what to read on the trip than I spent packing. My final selection included the first six novels in Stephanie Lauren’s Cynster series. I’d been saving this series for the perfect vacation when I could read them in order. (I realize most romance fans began this series more than a decade ago, but seeing as my employer at the time did not publish her, beginning the series involved reading a number of non-work books. I knew once I started I would not be able to stop.)
In the end, I only managed to read the first four. There were other things to do apart from lying on the beach and reading. Capri is a beautiful island, with a number of sights. Not to mention, my grandfather was born on the island and we had a number of relatives to visit.
It is also an island best seen on foot as most areas are pedestrian only, which leads me back to the shoes.
My husband managed to withhold his comments about my shoe collection until he realized I was wearing sandals everyday. Sightseeing in heels—on an island without cars—was simply not an option for me. Thus, the heels remained lined up in the hotel room thoroughly enjoying their Italian vacation.
In the future, I would recommend bringing only the essential shoes and a plethora of romance novels—you certainly don’t want to find yourself without a book on the return flight!
With the holidays just around the corner, I am once again planning the perfect vacation reading list. While many will be hoping for snow, I will be in Florida with my family and would welcome suggestions! What is on your reading list this holiday season?
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